James Putnam
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An Evening with Cai Guo-Qiang at the British Museum

British Museum, Clore Centre Centre, September 9, 2002.

This was staged to coincide with the artist's first showing of his work in London: 'Money Net' - a performance using gunpowder at the Royal Academy. Introduced and interviewed by James Putnam, Cai presented video documentation of his projects in which he has used controlled explosions of gunpowder for performances and for his project drawings

Selected images

1st image from top: Fetus Movement II: Project for Extraterrestrials No. 9 (1992) Munden, Germany - 90 kg of gunpowder and 1300m of gunpowder fuses installed in concentric circles. The artist placed himself at the centre and machines registered his responses during the explosion

2nd image from top: From the series: The Century with Mushroom Clouds: Project for the 20th century (1996), - 1-second-long explosion at the nuclear test site, Nevada. The artist detonated a small-scale 'mushroom cloud' with a home-made, hand-held device in places significant to the development of the atom bomb.

Fetus Movement II: Project for Extraterrestrials No. 9 (1992)
From the series: The Century with Mushroom Clouds: Project for the 20th century (1996).

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